
  • Install SteamVR (we recommend using the latest version installed through the Steam platform)
  • If the SteamVR driver wasn’t installed during the VR Tool setup wizard (see First Setup for details), you can do it manually:
    • Make sure that Steam and SteamVR are closed
    • Start the VR Tool service application
    • Click on Installer page in the left menu
    • Click on ‘Install’ button in the SteamVR driver section
    • If the driver was installed successfully the ‘Install’ button will be hidden, and you will be able to enable/disable the driver
  • Position the Lighthouse base stations around your tracking space, power them up, and make sure they are synchronized
    • Lighthouse 1.0
      • place two base stations in the corners of your tracking space, so they face each other
      • set one to mode B and the other to mode C (or alternatively to B and A if you are using the synchronization cable)
    • Lighthouse 2.0
      • place two or four base stations in the corners of your tracking space, so they are aiming into the middle of your tracking space
      • Set each of the base stations to a different channel (in case of four base stations you should set them to channels 1,2,3,4)

This page was last modified on June 19th, 2023 at 10:36

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