Ultraleap / Leap Motion Menu
- You can utilize the menu attached to the left Ultraleap / Leap Motion hand. Turn the hand palm up to see the menu.
- Enable Teleport
- Pressing this button will enable the short distance teleporter
- Aim with your left hand and do a pinch gesture to teleport (pinch gesture is done by connecting your index finger and thumb)
- You’ll see a loading circle for 1 second before being teleported, you can cancel the teleport during this time by disconnecting the index finger and thumb or by hiding the hand out of view
- Alternatively, you can use the Manual Teleport button to teleport (works the same way as the pinch gesture, but without the 1 sec timer)
- Use the slider next to the Manual Teleport button to change the distance of the teleporter
- Floor slider
- This slider allows you to change the floor texture/material
- Click the slider button and move your hand to the left or right
- Walls slider
- This slider allows you to change the walls texture/material
- Click the slider button and move your hand to the left or right
- Map
- To display the 3D map of the house – grab the cube on the bottom of the menu and drop/throw it in front of you
- Use the buttons on the map to teleport to the desired location
- Interactive objects
- You can test simple hand physics interactions with some Rubik cubes located on the dining table (in the living room)
- There are also another 70 interactive objects all around the house
This page was last modified on March 8th, 2023 at 17:23
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