Keyboard Commands
- These keyboard commands can be used anytime, if you have focus in the AutomotiveHolodeck window (click inside the window to get focus)
- Scroll Lock
- Start the AutoIPD calibration
- This shortcut can be customized through the XTAL tray icon
- F10
- Calibrate ground level / reset camera position
- F9
- Add offset to the ground level (recommended for setup without any external tracking – if you utilize the internal rotation sensor only)
- F8
- Switch foveated rendering mode on/off
- Foveated rendering mode is active by default
- H
- Change 3D model of the visualized Ultraleap / Leap Motion hands
- Currently four visually distinct hand models are available
- Movement options
- W
- Move camera forward
- S
- Move camera backward
- A
- Move camera left
- D
- Move camera right
- E
- Move camera up
- Q
- Move camera down
- C
- Rotate camera clockwise
- Z
- Rotate camera counter-clockwise
- W
- Interaction options
- 2
- Show the interactive map for teleportation
- Shift + 2
- Hide the interactive map for teleportation
- 3
- Change car color
- 4
- Start engine (only starts audio track)
- 5
- Stop engine
- 6
- Change wheels
- 7
- Open the closest door
- Shift + 7
- Open all doors
- 8
- Close the closest door
- Shift + 8
- Close all doors
- 9
- Turn the lights on
- 0
- Turn the lights off
- H
- Change position of the windshield HUD
- 2
- Esc
- Exit the application
This page was last modified on March 21st, 2023 at 11:19
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