XTAL LeapMotion prefab
- The XTAL LeapMotion prefab allows you to easily use XTAL headset along with the integrated LeapMotion controller in your Unity projects
- Download the Ultraleap Tracking plugin and XTAL LeapMotion prefab
- available in the Unity Support – LeapMotion folder
- Open your Unity project with the imported VRG Unity plugin
- Import the Ultraleap Tracking plugin package
- if you encounter ‘SpatialTracking’ compiler errors when importing this package, go to Project Settings and enable the ‘XR Plug-in Management’
- Import the XTAL LeapMotion package
- Use the XTAL_LeapMotion prefab instead of the CameraOrigin prefab from the core VRG Unity plugin
- For more detailed info about Ultraleap/LeapMotion controller implementation in Unity you should check the official LeapMotion website: https://developer.leapmotion.com/unity/
This page was last modified on March 21st, 2023 at 12:06
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